Master the Skill of Managing Yourself

 Master the Skill of Managing Yourself

Change is the reality, and everyone needs to manage themselves to adjust to the changing environment. Whether it is in the workplace or any other, self-management is crucial to achieving something. Self-management is the ability to manage behaviour, emotions, and thoughts in a conscious and constructive way. A person with strong self-management skills can do and manage things according to the situation.

In the workplace, people who have self management skills can able to manage the workflow and productivity in the workplace very easily. Regularly practicing and developing self-management skills can help you improve your performance and productivity. Self management strengthens your control of your career path.

Self management is the set of soft skills that you should master. Here is the list for you:


Stress management

Stress is not only visible in your physical appearance but negatively affects the way you work at your workplace. It not only hampers logical thinking and rational decision-making but also slows down your performance. Actually, it can slowly kill you. So it’s essential to manage stress proactively. Mostly, people who work under stress are unable to achieve their goals because they continuously get affected by those things. This reduces their productivity and affects their mental as well as internal health. Coping with stress helps you manage the variety of situations that pop up daily.

Follow these simple tips to de-stress yourself:

  • Try to involve yourself with highly-spirited people
  • Practice meditation every day
  • Maintain a healthy balanced diet
  • Take brief power naps during your lunch break


Time management

In your school days, you might have read or listened to the proverb that time and tide wait for none. Everyone has the same 24- hours. The way of managing your day-to-day activities decides your ability to meet deadlines. With good time management skills, you prioritize tasks, maintain focus, work in a systematic manner and avoid possible distractions. Always remember time is precious, and your time belongs to you, so make the best use of it. Time management helps you to build a structured frame for productivity and effectiveness.

To maintain time effectively, follow these simple tips:

  • Create a time management plan and implement it
  • Set time limits for each task
  • Make daily work routines and stick to them
  • Prioritize your tasks
  • Assign responsibilities
  • Minimize the use of your phone and social media at the workplace
  • Use time management tools


Organisational skills

Organisational skills help make a structure, increase productivity and help prioritise tasks requiring urgent completion against those you can do later. Maintaining organisational skills at the workplace ensures you don’t develop poor work habits like inefficiency, clutter, and miscommunication. From proper planning of a project to keep your work area free from heaps of documents, organisational skills help you properly organise your work life.

Follow these simple tricks for exceptional organisational skills:

  • Make a strict to-do- list
  • Set up reminders in the calender for deadlines
  • Set a routine and stick to it
  • Make your computer and workstation clutter-free



Adaptability is the skill of adjusting yourself to situations that are out of your comfort zone. Such situations can capture your life suddenly or can come in as a part of a plan. Adaptability means learning new skills, procedures, policies,  and behaviours in response to changing work surroundings. To become adaptive, you need to continuously improve yourself with new skills and tools. You should also stay up to date with the recent developments in your sphere. Adaptability is a crucial leadership skill that can make you a good leader and make you better equipped to face challenges. It also drives more productivity.


Problem solving

As the problem may arise irrespective of time and place, you must have the capability to tackle any problematic situation. Without getting panic, you need first to understand the problem. Then find out the cause of that problem. After identifying the cause, think about what can be done to resolve the issue. Finally, determine the best way for your business and what conduct must be taken to find a result.


Decision making

Decision making is an essential skill that drives functional excellence. As a leader or the head, you must have the ability to make important decisions that impact your business strategy. This skill necessitates you to have faith in your decisions. They should be truly fair and devoid of emotional attachments or conflicts of interest.

Sudeshna Mishra

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